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Charity Project 2018 Angela House

We will deliver the first batch of completed quilts and pillowcases at the end of April; with the remainder to follow in the September/October time frame.

Please bring all charity related work to the April meeting; BOM charity blocks, Pick Up Sticks blocks, pillowcases, quilt top kits, and long-armed quilts. Email Rosemarie or contact her at 832-275-4344 if you are unable to attend April's meeting and would like to schedule a pickup of your donated items.

Also, Angela House has two sewing machines, and would be happy to receive donations of fabric and/or notions to allow their ladies to do some creative work. Please bring these donations to the April meeting as well.

Status of Charity quilts to date:

*Baby - 1 ready for quilting, 4 complete

*Throw - 1 piecing in progress, 1 complete

*Twin - 5 piecing in progress, 2 ready for quilting, 2 quilting in progress, 5 complete

*Full - 1 ready for quilting, 1 quilting in progress, 1 in binding, 2 complete

*Pillowcases - 5 complete

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