This year the guild chose Angela House, a home helping women to transition back into society after incarceration, as the primary beneficiary of our charitable efforts.
The Charity Committee has been busy making charity quilt kits complete with cut fabric and pattern directions for our members to take home and sew. The committee recently kitted 9 BOM kits, 21 Pick Up Sticks kits, and 30 Pillow case kits. ALL kits were claimed at the February meeting!
If you would like a BOM or a Pick Up Sticks kit, please notify Rosemarie. Thank you to all who are participating in our Charity Project.
Our Current Charity Quilt Status
Baby - 2 complete
Throw - 1 kitted, 2 complete
Twin - 9 piecing in process, 2 in quilting, 1 ready for binding, 3 complete
Full - 1 piecing in process, 1 ready to quilt, 3 in quilting
Pillow Cases - 30 kitted