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Meet the HMQG 2018 Executive Board Nominees

Our President for 2018 will be Janet Cassiani who has been serving as President-Elect this year. The rest of the positions are up for a vote at our November Meeting.

Here's a bit about each of the ladies.


President: Janet Cassiani

I started quilting around 2010. Although I have been sewing since my mid twenties, I had not done any quilting.

I took a beginners class at Joann's fabric; then discovered Craftsy. I bought some quilting classes and was hooked! I spent hours watching Craftsy & YouTube videos.

I attended QuiltCon in Austin in 2012. The Houston Modern Quilt Guild was there recruiting members. After chatting with a few of the members, I knew this was the guild for me. I have learned so much from this great group of fun, creative, talented quilters.

When I am not sewing, you can find me kayaking Lake Woodlands or the Guadalupe River as well as hanging out with my family; husband, two sons, grandson & the cutest 30 pound poodle mix.


President-Elect: Michaela Lim

I grew up watching my mother sew everything from my clothes to wedding dresses, but my most vivid memory is of quilts.

I began quilting when I moved to Houston in 2009, I had been looking for a new comforter and couldn't find the colors I wanted so one weekend when my mom was in town shopping spree occurred, fabric patterns sewing machine and I set out to make my first quilt. I had a king size bed and this was a bigger project then I thought it would be having always seen my mom just whip things up like magic, and that's nit really how it works.

In addition to being involved with HMQG I also volunteer with HLSR Wine Committee, and with the Cancer Ministry at my church (never short on finding someone to make a quilt for) in my day job I'm HR. When I am not working or tucked away sewing you might find me digging in a vegetable garden, or snuggled under a quilt with a good book (I read around 30 books a year), but I will never turn away an opportunity to hike in the mountains or share great food and wine with friends.


VP Programming - Colleen Marty

I have been a Houston Modern Quilt Guild member since 2012, and this year I am the Sunshine Committee Chair.

I am retired from the “oil business” after almost 30 years and have entered into Phase 2 of my life opening my own business this year.

I have been sewing all my life, dabbling in quilting since I move to Houston then got serious about five (5) years ago.

One of my other hobbies is baking which helps explain my business’ name Good With Sugar (side note - I bring homemade treats to monthly meetings).

I have a passion for learning and have been able travel near-and-far to attend quilt classes including every QuiltCon.

I believe my passion and experience make me a great candidate for Vice President of Programming, and I look forward to working with the HMQG members and Board for a wonderful 2018!


VP Communications - Jessica Russell

Hi! I'm am currently your Secretary for the HMQG.

I'm a librarian and have been working in Houston area libraries for the last 14 years.

My family is crafty and I began sewing and crafting as a kid. I joined a medieval recreation group after college, focusing on making clothing and learning historic embroidery techniques.

Yo-yo quilts were my introduction to quilting--I love to hand-sew! I joined the HMQG 2 years ago in search of a crafting community and found it here.

I'm working on finishing my first quilt and knitting like crazy.


VP Membership - Tina Johnson

I have been quilting since 2006 when I made my first quilt for my Little Sister’s college graduation.

I have been hooked on making quilts ever since. I enjoy making both modern and traditional quilts, hence I am also a member of the West Houston Quilt Guild.

I would like to work in the Membership role so that I can help new members transition into the guild and find their niche.


Treasurer - Nora DeDontey

I've only been quilting for four years, but once I started it quickly pushed aside my other hobbies of crochet, needlework and garment making.

My day job involves staring at a computer screen (I'm an engineer) so I love to come home and make things with my own two hands.

Besides crafting, I love numbers, earthquakes and my baby boy, Kian.

I'm great with spreadsheets so I've enjoyed being your Treasurer and hope to continue on next year.


Secretary - Michelle Gillam

My name is Michelle Gilliam. I am a 46 year old school nurse, and I have one son that is graduating high school this year.

I grew up watching my grandmother quilt...never really appreciating what she did.

It wasn't until her death in 2012 that I began digging through her Jo-Ann and Walmart stash, clumsily sewing different lengths of fabric at all different seam allowances. I couldn't believe what I had been missing!

Luckily, my mom also enjoys quilting, so it's something we learn and enjoy together.

I also enjoy reading, scrapbooking, napping, and taking road trips with my fiancé.

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